Guests Galore but Which House Won?? (HPPH Recap 10.15)

The Harry Potter Power Hour on Sunday Oct 15 was such amazing fun! So many Potterheads were guested into the TV broadcast that the thestrals even started watching. It was a neck-and-neck race for the winning Hogwarts House until suddenly four Gryffindor guests came into the to seal the win for Gryffindor House! Congratulations Gryffindor. (and a Hogwarts cheers to the user @reeaalgood for sending the Dobby Cowboys to try to get Slytherin to the top!…)

We hope you can tune into the next broadcast of HPPH! Be sure to follow @ericartell on and click the notification bell to know when we go live again! (and comment I’m in Gryffindor if you’re a part of this week’s winning House!)

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(ps: have you checked out the new HPPH shirts available for the first time ever? Click HERE to see them!)

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